Average Customer Satisfaction Rating

This refers to the number of times your content appear organically in a user’s news fe. Paid impressions . It refers to the number of times your paid content was view. Viral Impressions . This refers to the number of times users saw activity relat to your Page through stories post by friends and influencers they follow. Here are other KPIs for social mia that may also be useful to you.  Prospects Social mia can be a popularity contest, but your efforts should result in lead generation. Social mia indicators should answer questions like.

What happen after customers

The click on the social mia post on your blog? How many followers consistently engage with your posts? How many followers became customers? Are people Costa Rica Business Email List who react to your social mia content coming to your website? These questions determine if you are truly generating a return on investment from your social mia efforts. A good tip is to monitor the time your potential leads spend on your website and determine the falling points in the sales funnel. Determining website visits and signups generat by social mia campaigns helps identify opportunities to move leads through the sales funnel. Avoid the common mistakes when monitoring social networks and make inform decisions for lead generation.

B2B Email List

Conversion Most social midea

The posts are design to encourage people to add an item to a cart, sign up for an account, download an ebook, etc. That being said, conversions refer to the percentage of DP Leads users who take a specific action. The conversion rate determines the effectiveness of your ad in moving users through the sales funnel. Do not forget to take into account the cost of the campaigns and the behavior of the users after the conversion. Keep in mind that not all conversions can lead to a sale. With that being said, here are some indicators for social networks relat to conversions.