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Some kind of censorship to prevent Lemaître from taking the crit? A few years ago , they went to the archives and found that the translation was done by none other than Lemaître himself! He wrote in the accompanying letter that the repetition that this would not be interesting for the readers, he would rather look forward, and not argue about the honor. Science had to come before man. The International Astronomical Organization (IAU) has also realiz this. And at the recent general meeting, it was agre that Hubble’s law should be renam Hubble-Lemaître’s law.

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However, this is of such great importance that it was agre to send the proposal to a vote among the organization’s members. In the proposal , it is emphasiz that Lemaître will be Bulk SMS Thailand honor for his intellectual integrity – that is, that he focus on science rather than arguing about who came first. Wonder if you would have seen the same integrity today? Integrity and reverence can be very good, but it is not something that will get you your next research grant. Dear readers, After completing the flights with Nexø I & II, it is now high time to gear up for something bigger.

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Much bigger. It is high time that we really attack the Spica rocket and all the sub-projects that it will bring with it. It is therefore a great pleasure for me to announce the latest DP Leads project in CS; a quite ambitious project which must seriously kick-start the work towards the first flight with Spica. We call the project: “BPM100 in 100 days” The goal is quite tangible. It is simply designing and building the first prototype of a 100 kN motor in 100 days! And no, (as far as is known) none of the CSs have gone to drink from the night pot, we mean it quite seriously. But is it possible to design and build the first version of the world’s most powerful amateur liquid bi-prop in 100 days.