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This includes compliments, arguments, and criticism. Keep in mind that even if some comments are critical, it shows that your audience is interest in your posts. Mean engagement rate . It refers to the number of likes, shares and comments that your business generates in relation to your number of followers. Naturally, the more followers you have, the more interactions you should receive. Profile visits . It refers to the number of people who have view your profile. Your business may have tons of followers but it means nothing if they never check your account.

Active followers this refers to

The number of people who have subscrib to your account and see updates to your content. Clicks . It refers to the number of people who have Belize Business Email List click on your message. This metric indicates that the post piqu the interest of your audience. 2. Reach It refers to the number of users of social networks who have seen or access your messages. A greater reach can indicate that your brand has more influence or in the same way it can indicate that there are many conversations relat to your brand. Unlike engagement, reach only refers to the number of people who have seen your post. It does not take into account the engagement or interactions your posts generate.

B2B Email List

Here are some reach

Relat metrics: Followers . The number of people who subscrib to your companies social mia page. traffic . It refers to the percentage of traffic that comes to your DP Leads website and originates from your social mia posts or links. Impressions . It refers to the number of times your ads were seen on the screen. When users see your ad and immiately scroll up, this counts as an impression. If a user saw your ad three different times in one day, this counts as three impressions. In general, there are three main types of impressions organic prints .