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The statistics show where the most sales are made, where the sales have the most value, and what marketing goes along with those sales. This allows you to improve efficiency in all aspects of sales and marketing. Similarly, analytics can help work efficiency. In many cases, if you provide the right tools, you will get the best work out of your employees. Statistical analysis will allow entrepreneurs to take a hard look at the effectiveness of each tool and focus on the best performing ones. Learn about the advantages of data analysis . Types of statistical analysis There are two main types of statistical analysis: descriptive and inferential, also known as modelling.

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Descriptive statistics Descriptive statistics is intend to describe a large amount of data with graphs and summary tables, but it is not intend to draw conclusions about the population Bulk SMS Spain from which the sample was drawn. Simply summarize the data that you have with different types of graphs . Since charts, graphs, and tables are primary components, descriptive statistics make raw data easier to understand and visualize. Descriptive statistics is simply a way of describing data and is not us to draw conclusions beyond the data analyz or to draw conclusions about hypotheses that have been formulat.

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Know the characteristics of descriptive analysis statistical interference The second type of analysis is inference. Inferential statistics allow organizations to test a hypothesis and draw DP Leads conclusions about the data. In these cases, a sample of the totality of the data is usually examin, and the results are appli to the group as a whole. Steps to make a statistical type analysis Statistical analysis helps us collect, explore, and present large amounts of data to discover patterns and trends . There are five steps that must be follow during a statistical analysis, including: Describe the nature of the data to be analyz. Explore the relationship of the data with the population. Create a model that allows you to understand how the data is relat to the population. Prove (or refute) the validity of the model.