Chart Area Chart Waterfall

This is an example: These are some of the things we know about our friend María from a psychographic point of view: She is interest in travel, music and makeup. He likes to go to concerts and festivals. He believes that experiences are better when they are shar with someone. All this psychographic information can be extremely useful for a company. How to obtain psychographic information You can find psychographic information through traditional and non-traditional methods of client research . It is a process that is certainly worth the effort. Psychographic data will help you understand what really matters to your customers.

How do you feel about

Having this information can help you show them that their interests are a priority. Here are three methods that can help you get psychographic information. Surveys Use Armenia Phone Number List surveys design to find out what motivates your customers . Ask them open-end questions to find out what matters to them. Imagine that you have an online clothing store, some of the questions you could ask in the survey are:  the fashion industry? What inspires your decisions when dressing? Clos questions bas on hypotheses from your niche and your customers work well.

Phone Number List

Analysis You can learn

Using the example of the online clothing store, one thing you could do is design a survey to find out how much time your customers spend on activities that are relat to fashion, for example, runway events, viewing Instagram influencer stories etc. A mix of open and clos questions is ideal to really get the best insight into DP Leads your customers’ interests and passions .   about your customers’ interests and activities by analyzing their behavior. For example, if your customers engage with some type of blog post on a particular topic, then it’s important to know that it’s a topic they care about. If a high percentage of visitors are attract to a particular discount, for example, there is an indicator that a segment of your audience is interest in obtaining offers.