Creates a positive customer experience

Long tail keywords (search terms made up of multiple words, in the form of questions or phrases. The results of this activity will allow you to start planning the contents to publish, trying to answer prospects’ doubts in a clear and non-promotional way and to attract qualifi traffic to the company website. We will delve deeper into the topic in the next paragraph. Contents In addition to being design to meet the nes of buyer personas, content can be divid into three main types, depending on the phases of the buyer’s digital marketing – funnel Awareness.

Prospects down the sales funnel

Normally, in this phase the prospect carries out generic research on the topic of his interest; he knows he has a problem wedding photo editing service but hasn’t been able to identify it yet. The goal is to attract as much qualifi traffic to the site as possible, so you ne to understand what kind of terms it will enter into the search engine and offer it content such as blog articles, social mia posts, videos and infographics. Consideration – MOFU (middle of the funnel) The user is aware of the problem and is looking for a solution. The objective is to position your company, make the prospect trust you.

Frees up your sales team while

The tools to reach this are more in-depth content such as webinars, case histories and practical guides. Decision – BOFU (bottom of the funnel) The last phase involves choosing the supplier for the product or service that the prospect has identifi as the solution to his problems. He is almost ready to become a customer and wants to know the technical specifications before proceing. The content objective for this stage is to transform the interest shown DP Leads by the prospect in the previous stages into a business agreement and the format varies from consultations, demos, product samples, quotes and offer simulators.