Dashboard So That You Can Monitor

Your customer data is essential for the growth of your restaurant. This information can obtain directly from your system and is extremely easy to collect. Here are some examples of information I recommend you collect from your customers: Names, so you can recognize them when they visit you again. Phoneemail. You can give him some kind of discount or promotion for sharing this information. Address. To send them coupons and restaurant updates if they do not prefer email communication. Birthday. To offer them a gift, it can a free dish, for example. allergies. So that your cooks know which ingrients to avoid if necessary.

Favorite foods or dishes to

Able to make personaliz recommendations. Not all of this data is necessary, but it will certainly help you do a customer analysis . After all, customers are the lifeblood of your Hungary Phone Number List restaurant and without them, you wouldn’t have a successful business. This information is not difficult to understand, but it is certainly very useful to build a relationship with your customers and encourage them to return. 3.- Constantly monitor the data Monitoring data is part of the customer experience. Now that you know who your customers are, what you ne to do is make sure they have the st experience while visiting your restaurant.

Phone Number List

How large are the

More efficient when organizing restaurant data, keep track of this information: Waiting time . The particular time that a customer or a group of customers waits for a table. Customers in DP Leads restaurant by time . How many people are serv or serv in the restaurant during a certain period of time. Average numr of people per customer group . groups of people who visit you. Average customer count . Average of how many customers you have at a particular time. Location efficiency . How well you are using the available tables. Monitoring these and other restaurant KPIs will allow you to verify if you have any problems that you can improve to offer your customers the st service.