The occupational exam is one of the main tools of the Occupational Health Medical Control Program. This is because it enables active surveillance in the work environment, allowing the monitoring of workers and the prevention of occupational diseases . To this end, the legislation determines on which occasions employees must undergo additional exams and procedures according to their area of ​​expertise. I discuss these and other topics throughout this article, ending with the possibility of optimizing the issuance of occupational reports via telemedicine . Continue reading and learn more. What is an occupational exam? Occupational examination is a medical assessment aimed at preserving the worker’s health . It consists of anamnesis, physical assessment and complementary exams.

Defined based on the activities and occupational risks to which

The employee is exposed. I provide details on performing the procedure later on. For the time being, it is worth noting that the occupational exam is mandatory for all companies that hire under the terms of the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws). This requirement is set out in Article 168 of the CLT , which reads as follows: “The employee’s medical examination will be mandatory, on behalf Netherlands Phone Numbers List of the employer”. What is the occupational exam for? The occupational exam serves as an instrument of medicine and safety at work , promoting the protection of employees . As I mentioned at the beginning of the text, its main purpose is to prevent work-related illnesses. It is a strategy that allows the tracking of physical and mental health problems of employees.

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Nothing is done the situation can develop into psychosocial illness

Burnout and depression. However symptoms of mental fatigue may be evident during. The occupational examination, allowing for an intervention before it is too late . The same reasoning applies to chemical, physical and biological risks. Which must be identifi and mitigat before they cause damage to the health of employees. Problems such as Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (Pair) – a physical agent – ​​can be detect during audiometry, for example. In addition to the benefits for employees and teams, preventive DP Leads. Mobilization avoids the imposition of fines , labor lawsuits and other sanctions on companies. Types of occupational exam Regulatory norm 07 of the Ministry of Labor establishes the types of occupational examination that must be includ in the PCMSO : Admission resignation journal of change of function Back to work.