How Individual Units Affect

Spend Per Meal Average Spend Per Meal symbolizes the amount of money a single customer pays each time they visit your establishment. It can be optimiz by improving the sales pitch of your teams or by changing the menu. Serving Time – Serving time is critical in fast food. It has a direct impact on the satisfaction of your customers. Improving your service time then requires training your teams and optimizing your manufacturing processes. Customer satisfaction index : this indicator makes it possible to identify the evolution of customer satisfaction and increase sales.

They complement the satisfaction

A mystery shopper study can be carri out to assess the origin of the dissatisfactions and more precisely correct the problems found. Number of register customer complaints: The real Singapore Phone Number List complaints present in restaurants or on social networks can be a good indicator of specific reception or management problems in your establishment.  index to detect specific problems that have a strong impact on customers. Employee turnover rate – Employee replacement is expensive. Between training, exit costs, and entry costs, your payroll can add up quickly. Tracking employee turnover allows you to be aware of it and understand your ability to retain your employees.

Phone Number List

Waste Rate This indicator will

Tell you the rate of products you waste and products not sold. 5 ways to use indicators in restaurants These are some of the ways in which you can take advantage of the use of KPIs in DP Leads your restaurant: Helps improve customer experience KPIs can provide valuable information about your customers and help you in more ways than one . In the short term, point-of-sale and customer relationship management data can help you define your target audience. In the long term, detail information can help you strengthen customer relationships and build loyalty. Adapt the menu to your regular customers Even if you know your business well. Understanding why a menu works or doesn’t work can be one of the hardest things to figure out.