Of the economy we have had discussions

With leaders and companies from many sectors. Of the economy we have had discussions about what a company’s digital strategy should be, how its digital ecosystem should be created and what good and bad practices are in these environments. This circumstance has allowed us to classify these meetings. As they are? They generally begin with an internal diagnosis, in which capabilities are examined and resources are defined. Then, the competitors are reviewed, their strengths and weaknesses are studied. Finally, some objectives are established. This simple planning exercise, which is repeated in most meetings, leads to the selection of a digital ecosystem – which is nothing more than the determination of the platforms, tools and actions in which the activity will be carried out.

To review it before designing

Do you know of a page that is successful. To review it before b2b leads designing ours. Behind these seemingly harmless questions, there are many opinions about the convenience or inconvenience of these “inspiration exercises.” some validate them and others—including ourselves—see them as a politically correct way of saying: let’s copy the cool things, but let’s not be obvious. However, the purpose of this publication is not to discuss the good or bad of reviewing references, but rather about trends in web design. Well, for that purpose it is advisable to review what others have done and that is what we did.

The secret to being creative is to be

This digital ecosystem, in almost all cases, includes DP Leads the design of a website. The secret to being creative is to be curious. — seth godin designing a website that responds to the needs of the business is the first great challenge of a digital strategy. This, like all challenging tasks, takes work and generates anxiety. This is why, when this requirement is addressed in meetings, it is common for questions to arise such as: could you show us a good website? Do you have some examples of websites to inspire us.