Reasons to carry out click fraud

The most common techniques are Manual Clicks. Where ad publishers generate fake clicks by manually clicking on ads on their website. This technique usually. Has low results since many clicks are needed to have effective results and by doing it manually the time wasted is immense. Click-generating robots. These are software and programs that are responsible for generating. Automatic clicks on the ads on your own. Reasons to competing websites. Click farms. with your network of contacts in the form of publications. We all use the “create a post” option to share content, and that’s okay.

Reasons to programs

It is an increasingly less used technique top people data since advertising platforms usually have mechanisms to detect this type of fraud.  Computers. Within a server with which it is possible to generate a large number of clicks with different. IP addresses. Campaigns on social networks or forums. This involves generating clicks on ads or posts on different platforms through campaigns on social networks or forums. With this technique, they encourage social media users to be part of click fraud to generate unnecessary.


This involves generating

 Whose headquarters are located within EE Leads the territory of the EU. You can consult additional and detailed information. On Data Protection at this link.  media. Legitimation: its legal basis is the consent of the interested party.  Advertising networks such as Google Ads. Bing Ads promote a business model. That is, they try to deceive the system by generating false clicks on advertising formats in order to obtain direct or indirect benefits. Another way to avoid click fraud is remarketing campaigns.