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The situation for each manufacturer is unique and finding the list of production indicators that are equally relevant and important for all companies is a difficult task. Here are some examples of indicators that you can use to measure the quality of the production process of any company, regardless of its size: production indicators Cost ruction and increas profitability Manufacturing cost per unit – Calculat by dividing the total number of units produc by their cost of production, excluding the cost of material.

The number shows the

Efficiency with which current resources are being us, that is, if the cost of using human resources and equipment is adequate. Learn more about the importance of El Salvador Business Email List monitoring KPIs for your business. Productivity in revenue per employee – Similar to the previous indicator, productivity per employee is calculat by dividing all revenue generat by the total number of employees. This can be calculat at various levels, at the company level, at the department level, and even at the production line level. Revenue per employee shows the areas with the lowest and highest ROI. Find out how to monitor employee productivity.

B2B Email List

Downtime in proportion to

The operating time –It is calculat as the ratio between the time in which the production lines were stop. And the time in which they were operating. This proportion is DP Leads a direct indicator of the availability of assets for production. The lower the number, the more efficiently the manufacturing equipment is being us. If the ratio is 0.5 it means that the production lines were idle half the time. I invite you to know profitability indicators for a better performance of your business. Supplier quality Incoming material quality. The quality of the materials generally determines the quality of the final product. If the quality of the suppli materials is low, the expense for product repairs increases. This means an additional cost for the manufacturer.