Web Vitals: The Key to Page Speed and Ranking

Do you want to register domains Web Vitals at incredible prices? DonDominio offers Blogger3.0 readers a 30% discount for .COM and .NET registrations and transfers and .ES registrations. Discount valid until 12/31/2021 and limited to 5 uses per customer. You simply have to enter the code BLOGGER3CERO21 in the purchasing process to get it. Types of Automatic Webs As I was telling you, we can divide. Automatic websites into several types according to. The method of making them, but we could also classify them according to the monetization method. For the moment we are going to talk about the 3 main types of automatic websites that exist: Spintax .

Types of Automatic Web Vitals Webs As I was telling you

This is the type of automated website we’ve talked top industry data about before. On these websites, the most normal thing is to create a large number of pages attacking many different keywords. They also usually have thousands and thousands of. URLs with which to attack keywords that have very little. Competition and that can bring us traffic. One of the main disadvantages is the time it can take you to do a good spintax. Since otherwise you will have duplicate content.  To perform this technique we can use. Page Generator Pro Espinner.  On these websites you will also have to take interlinking into account.

Keywords that have very little competition

So that Google Bot can reach all sites and there are no orphan DP Leads URLs and make it easier to crawl. For this you can use Interlinking Manager Link Whisper (I haven’t tried this one) If you get really bored and want to die trying, make them by hand. Another disadvantage of this type of website is that indexing must be handled very well , since we are interested in having all possible content indexed as soon as possible . It’s a game of quantity. Indexing is directly interfered with by interlinking and other obvious factors such as domain authority. Web Scraping The scraping technique, I’m not going to lie to you, is my favorite. It is generally mixed with translation and in this way we can take entire websites and put them in Spanish or vice versa .