Content Refresh Boost Traffic With Updated Content

You’ve just checked the metrics on a piece you wrote a few weeks back and are horrified. Somehow, without you picking up on it, the impressions on that killer post you put together have dropped considerably.
Write more content to keep people coming to your website, or
Refresh the content you already have.
Refreshing existing content is often more manageable (and a little gentler on your mental health and energy levels).
What Is a Content Refresh.
4 Reasons Why a Content Update Is a Good Strategy
Which Content Should You Refresh?
How To Plan for and Update Content
WriterAccess: The Easy Way To Create and Refresh Content.

How To Plan for and Update Content

Once you’ve decided what needs refreshing, work through the following checklist and make a note of your answers.

Is the post evergreen – Is it content that Whatsapp Data will always be useful?
Read the post – What are your aims with the refresh? This will affect how you refresh the content.
Are the titles and subtitles still relevant?
Does the piece need fact-checking? Is the data within the piece still accurate?
What keywords are you trying to rank for – Does the content fit these keywords?
What search intent are you hoping to rank for?
Is there anything you feel needs removing – Are there paragraphs or wording that does not fit search intent?
Is there information missing that would deepen understanding or answer your customers’ questions better?
Using the answers you have put together, now cast a critical eye over the piece under review. Use your thoughts to decide what requires changing, removing, or adding. This could be titles, subtitles, addition or removal of content, or addition or removal of charts, data, and images.

Finally, once you have worked through the research and review process, you can start making the actual changes.

Making the Changes to Your Content
The easiest way to make the changes you feel are necessary is to use Google Docs or Word. Paste your content into a new document and edit it based on your review process.

You should aim to change about 25% of the content (although this is not a hard rule). You’re looking to make significant changes.

Once you’re happy with the content, check the technical side of the content under review.

Do you have appropriate meta descriptions?
Do your images have alt tags?
Are all your links working?
Make sure you change the published date.
Have you done all that? Then it’s time to hit publish and monitor the results of your refresh.

The Easy Way To Create and Refresh Content

Whatsapp Number List

Consider the following points when undertaking a DP Leads refresh. Many will directly impact (positively or negatively) the SEO of the piece you’re working on.

  • The piece in question contains outdated statistics and information, or there have been changes in your industry that affect how you do business. Examples included changes to legislation or new discoveries.
  • The piece has started to see a marked drop in rankings on Google: content decay.
  • You want to out-compete your competitors’ content.
  • The piece does not meet the search intent it was designed for or does not answer your customers’ questions.
  • The piece has high traffic but is not converting well.
  • The age of the piece: Content should be at least 90 days old to allow Google to index it before you start making any significant changes.