Corresponding To Approx Per Dane Per

The Examples of indicators for driving forces that directly or indirectly affect material flows can be general social conditions such as the size and composition of the population. The average size of households, incomes and their distribution. They can be direct resource-related conditions such as companies’ innovation strategies or the organization of society in the form. the extent of collective facilities. Ideally, it should be the case that society’s response to environmental problems changes the efforts of actors. In the long term, the driving forces behind society’s use of resources. Fundamentally, it is important to analyze and understand the dynamics of the linear economy in order to plan public regulation. Civil society initiatives and innovation strategies that can change these dynamics.

More Summary Form Statistics Denmark

Ongoing transparent, interdisciplinary and cross-organizational learning processes are important! Calculation of the material flows of the Danish economy Let’s look at the Phone Number List material flows that must be assessed and managed. In December 2018, Statistics Denmark presented the material accounts for the Danish economy in 2017 in the form of the table below. Statistics Denmark From the right column of the table, it appears that the Danish material use – which includes imports and excludes exports – in 2017 was 139.5 million tonnes (equivalent to approximately 25 tonnes per Dane per year.

Phone Number List

Presented At The Environmental Strategy Annual

These, the largest were material flows approx. 42 million tonnes of biomass – especially for livestock feed. energy and food 69 million tonnes of non-metallic minerals stone. Gravel for building and construction activities just DP Leads under 27 million tonnes of fossil resources – the majority are coal, oil and natural gas and a smaller part plastic and products thereof These three material types thus make up approx. 138 million tonnes of the 139.5 million tonnes approx. 99% of the resource consumption used by the Danes during a year. Of the remaining 1.5 million tonnes per year. Tonnes per year are make up of metals for installations in buildings, cars, etc.