Data Still Get Relevant

Number of orders from each seller : This kind of commercial productivity indicators allow you to analyze the seasonality of your sales. In addition, by correlating this figure with the volume of business, it is possible to calculate the average basket. Average basket : Monitoring the amount of the average basket makes it possible to anticipate how many orders will be necessary to achieve the objectives set and to review the commercial actions plann accordingly. The margin : By monitoring this indicator, you will be able to react if you notice a significant deviation from your forecasts.

This may mean that your sales

Force is giving too many discounts, or charging different prices. By identifying whether the phenomenon is general or link to specific areas, you can quickly find the cause of Pakistan Phone Number List the problem and adapt to achieve your goals. Business volume by product : Create a pie chart to see which products are selling the best. By plotting these results by business sector, you can tailor your business and marketing strategy bas on territory and optimize your product portfolio. Customer satisfaction rate and the number of complaints : Tracking the customer satisfaction rate is one of the commercial productivity indicators that allows you to monitor the quality of your products and the performance of your sales staff.

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The scores are particularly

Low for a particular product or geographic area, you can immiately spot it, investigate the causes, and react accordingly. Customer retention rate by area and by product : Monitoring this DP Leads indicator allows you to ensure that your product portfolio meets the nes of the market. If poor results are observ, you can investigate to determine where the problem is: obsolete products, poor quality of service in a certain geographical area, etc. You may be interest in knowing some productivity indicators of a call center . How to monitor trading indicators? Of course, you can monitor these and other indicators in a dashboard that allows you to clearly visualize all your KPIs.