Inbound ABM: what are the differences 

Inbound marketing stems from the idea of ​​identifying and creating valuable content for visitors to lead them to have an interest in the company, to then become leads and subsequently customers.

Account-based marketing, on the other hand, speaks and focuses on the prospect in a targeted and individual way, focusing on the creation of hyper-personalised and targeted content and storytelling.

When a prospect of interest is identified through an ABM strategy, he is not followed as if he were a company, but as a single person , through personalized campaigns, targeted messages and on the basis of his specific interaction with the messages previously conveyed.

 is it possible to combine the two strategic lines

The advantages? use one’s own resources and build content thinking about and aiming at a smaller audience but made up of prospects who can be really interested , impressed by the information shared and therefore more likely to turn into valid leads.

The answer is yes. In theory the two methodologies are distinct, but in practice or better in tactics, being able to integrate them, making sure that they complement each other, is the key to bringing enormous value to the company, to the sales department and consequently to the business.

The account based marketing strategy

For example, combining the creation of defined prospect lists (ABM) and quality relationships (Inbound) is the perfect recipe. Account based marketing can come into play in a consequential way, once positioning and online presence, interest in content and trust in the brand have been built, with a view to lead generation, thus obtaining already valid contacts.

Building a strategic line capable of obtaining results from account based marketing is possible, but it is necessary to understand its assumptions and evolution. We have said that inbound marketing combined with ABM is a winning weapon, but it is also fair to underline that, when this issue is addressed, a paradigm shift is introduced with respect to an Inbound strategy.