Consider Creating A Survey To

Examples of work metrics Here are some HR metrics that will help you evaluate production employees : Quality of work : Do the manufactur products meet the requirements and specifications? Are the procures and work methods respect? Productivity : Has the assign work quota been reach? Is time us as efficiently as possible and is performance consistently maintain? Job Knowlge : Does the employee have the necessary technical knowlge to perform the assign job? Does the employee adequately perform the tasks relat to his job? Compliance with standards : Is the employee attentive to the proper functioning and maintenance of his equipment.

Do you respect safety

Regulations does the employee work safely? Behavior in the workplace : Does the employee show respect in dealings with peers and supervisors? Do you cooperate with Vietnam Phone Number List your colleagues? Does it contribute to maintaining harmonious relationships within the work team? Are punctual? Are you diligent? Learn more about what productivity metrics are and how to track them. Since administrative staff, by definition, do not produce products, their performance is evaluat bas on the following work metrics: Quality of their work : Do they show rigor in carrying out their tasks? Do they carry out the necessary controls and monitoring to guarantee the quality of the work.

Phone Number List

Do you use your

Time efficiently to carry out the tasks assign to you? Do you respect the establish deadlines? Organization : Can you prioritize your tasks? Do you organize your work optimally? Decision DP Leads making : Can they pinpoint the problems? Does it develop and propose solutions to the difficulties encounter? Do you take the right steps to achieve your desir goals? Behavior in the workplace : Does the employee show respect in his relations with his colleagues and superiors? Do you cooperate with his colleagues? Does it contribute to maintaining harmonious relationships within the work team? Are you able to handle emergencies and unforeseen events while remaining calm in stressful situations.