Zara Pre-Owned, Inditex’s masterstroke

Zara Pre There are tactical movements and strategic movements. A very clear example of the first is what we experienced last week with the Black Friday offers , and another magnificent example of the second is the movement that the Inditex group has made with pre-owned Zara. Of course there are great strategies, but in most cases Black Friday comes down to deciding the discount percentage, the budget of the campaigns and “shooting.

Growth in the sale of second-hand clothing Zara Pre

Zara Pre What threats does Zara have in the fashion sector? Giving an category email list adequate answer to this question would require an in-depth analysis that I will not do due to lack of data. But if we do a superficial analysis we see an obvious threat: the growth/explosion, in recent years, of the second-hand clothing sales market led by Vinted and Wallapop. Lower sales : I am convinced that it is taking part of the sales of the group’s brands, especially those of Zara (it is one of the best-selling brands on Vinted). 

New market and defensive action against competition masterstroke

On the one hand, it enters a market that has been growing for DP Leads years (perhaps they entered a little late, but with its strength I think they are going to change the sector) and it deals a good blow to the competition (since it is one of the brands best sellers on Vinted). That is to say, on the one hand it generates greater income (from commissions and clothing repair), and on the other it stops the competition.