We to slightly modify the command creating

We create the file using the “echo” method, and then enter the group name, colon and user names separat by spaces. We must remember that the usernames are in the .htpasswd file. At the very end of the command, we still ne to specify the path to the file, so we enter the “>” character follow by the absolute path to the file with its name. Below is a screenshot of creating the .htgroup file: creating .htgroup file – command An alternative way would be to create such a file using a text itor. How to do it? First enter the name of the user group, follow by a colon and user names separat by spaces. Then save the file and place it on the server. How to add more groups.

Whether a given user has access

We add the next groups in the text file in the next line, so it’s rather not difficult for users using text itors. In the case of using the command line, the user phone number list group, because using the one describ above will overwrite the file, and we want to avoid that. Therefore, we change one character . In this way, we will avoid unwant overwriting of the file. A screenshot of this command is below: adding another group of users to the .htgroup file – command Domain access authorization types Types of access locks.

Phone Number List

The method consists in checking

Authorization of select user accounts -, is in the .htpasswd file and whether the given password is correct; Authorization of select groups of users – validation is carri out by checking whether a given user is in the .htgroup, .htpasswd file and whether the given DP Leads password is correct; Authorization of select IP addresses – verification is carri out by checking whether a given IP address has allow or deni access. One of the most common methods of blocking access to a domain is the method that uses user account authentication.